Friday, September 14, 2012

Republican Congress Funds Obamacare

     Republicans may talk a good talk when it comes to conservatism, but when it comes time for them to walk the walk things get a bit dicey. House Republicans passed a continuing resolution funding Obamacare, including the unpopular HHS mandate, which requires all insurance providers to provide access to sterilization, contraception, and abortifacients free of charge. It also does not restrict funding to Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the country.

     The House of Representatives controls which funds are appropriated and for what. It, as the body which most closely represents the will of the people, stands as the last defense against irresponsible and immoral spending. While the Republicans in the House may have claimed to oppose Obamacare and funding for Planned Parenthood, they could have acted and refused to include those programs in the continuing resolution yet they did not. It is not difficult to see that their true goal is not to advance conservatism and better the country but to dupe a large portion of the electorate. These are the men and women many conservatives claim will keep a "President Romney" in check. How can we expect that they will risk political suicide and stand up to the most powerful figure in their own party when they won't even take the opportunity to excite their base by standing up to the most powerful figure in the opposing party?

     The Republican leadership is corrupt, unprincipled, and concerned only with gaining and holding power and prestige for themselves, yet many well-meaning conservatives will blithely troop to the polls to vote to keep this group of unscrupulous egomaniacs in power, who gladly provide lip service to conservatism but betray at every opportunity. It would be far better if those conservatives would utilize their energy to send the message that their country is more important than their party, and that principle matters more than politics. Vote for a man whose rhetoric supporting America's founding principles has not only been matched but exceeded by his actions in defense of those principles--Tom Hoefling.

For a new birth of freedom!

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