Thursday, June 28, 2012


     Today the Supreme Court ruled that the Affordable Healthcare Act, not-so-affectionately dubbed "Obamacare" was constitutional (for more on that go to this link). Not only does it continue that body's long-standing record of consistently taking the wrong side of every issue (notably Dred Scott and Roe v. Wade, but a quick examination of history provides a number of other examples), it also points out the folly of "holding our noses" and voting Republican, however distasteful the candidate. Chief Justice Roberts, appointed by George W. Bush, was the deciding vote in favor of Obamacare. Many conservatives trooped to the polls to hold their noses and vote for Bush, in large part because doing so allowed them, they thought, to gain a conservative Supreme Court. It did not, and it never will. At present five Supreme Court justices have been nominated by Republicans; only three of them are consistently true to the Constitution. It is incredibly naive to believe that Mitt Romney, whose healthcare plan provided the blueprint for Obamacare and who appointed more Democrat than Republican judges as governor of Massachusetts, will change that trend. Further, as obviously unacceptable as Romney is, Obama is far worse.
     While the Mitt Romney and the Republican Party have consistently compromised on healthcare and flirted with the prospect of a federal healthcare mandate (the idea was, as any Democrat will very quickly tell you, a Republican one originally), America's Party and Tom Hoefling have not budged an inch from their position that the individual, not the state, ought to have control over the individual's healthcare.

     By attempting to choose the lesser of two evils and thus push the Supreme Court to the right we only gain lip service from the wealthy elite of the Republican Party. Conservatives have, through their refusal to take a stand whatever the cost, effectively removed their influence from politics and we are left with a choice between a horrid candidate and an even worse candidate with no hope for anything better in the future. The way forward is to turn over a new leaf and leave behind the tired elites and career politicians of the Republican and Democrat Parties--in short, the way forward is, right now, Tom Hoefling and America's Party. As John Quincy Adams said during his long and, for the most part, futile fight against the horror of slavery, "Duty is ours, the results are God's."

For a new birth of freedom!

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