Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mitt Romney on Same-Sex Marriage

     Mitt Romney certainly talks a good talk on marriage. He has repeatedly, if clumsily, defended traditional marriage. As might be expected from Romney, however, his record is less reassuring. According to this article from NPR when he first ran for senate against Teddy Kennedy he claimed that he would be a better advocate for homosexuals than Kennedy. Given that Kennedy supported same-sex marriage, that statement would certainly seem to imply that Romney did as well, or at least intended to deceive his potential constituents and convince them he did. The article goes on to mention several other ways in which Romney courted the gay voting block at the expense of his alleged traditional values.

     Undoubtedly Romney has, at least since he started running for president, been reasonably consistent in his support of marriage. Unfortunately his positions seem to change based on the position he's running for. When he ran in liberal Massachusetts he ran as a liberal (and not just on marriage--he described his social positions as "to the left of Ted Kennedy") while when he began eyeing the Republican presidential nomination he moved to the right. We don't need another egomaniac like Barack Obama, careless of principle and concerned only with gaining votes and thus power. We have more than enough of those in Washington D.C. anyway. What the country needs is a group of politicians bold enough to stand and fall on principle, not politics. A peoples' leaders, however, will only be as good as the people, and we will never have leaders who will take a stand if we refuse to do so ourselves.

For a new birth of freedom!

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