Politics-as-usual has taken over Washington. The two major parties have developed a form of "normal" politics that is cutthroat and dirty, fueled by money raised through political favors and fear mongering. In the process the basic tenets of life, liberty, and the Constitution all to often are ignored and trampled underfoot.To many it appears that the situation cannot be changed, and that those who seek lasting change will be forced to accept the "lesser of two evils" and "hold their noses" while they vote. We do not believe that this is the case.
America's Party may not be a large party, but it draws on the spirit of liberty that has pervaded this great land since the writer of the Declaration of Independence affirmed that every man was created equal and endowed by his creator with inalienable rights. It is this firm belief in liberty, independence from tyranny, and dependence on one's creator that drove the American Revolution, and it is that belief which will fuel a peaceful political revolution today.
This belief in fundamental liberty brings several necessary conclusions. First, these inalienable rights are not limited to any particular group of people. It is the duty of every government to protect and preserve these rights for all of its people. In light of that fact, abortion is unacceptable. At the most basic level it violates the right of the most helpless among us to life. Further, it follows from this principle of liberty that the best form of government is self-government. Power should be concentrated as much as possible as close as possible to you, the people. Finally, our children must not be left paying the debt accrued through our lack of self control. We must balance the budget now and stop mortgaging our children's future. To see more principles that can be derived from a belief in true liberty visit America's Party's website and look over the party platform.
Tom Hoefling stands for liberty and the Constitution. With your help he can help break the Republican and Democrat stranglehold on politics. Share this message with your friends and, on election day, go vote (write in, if you have to) for Tom Hoefling and liberty.
For a new birth of freedom!
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