Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Multiple Choice

     Mitt Romney's problem isn't just that he supported abortion in the past--people can change--it's that he refused to admit that he did, even when confronted with the overwhelming evidence that he was personally adamantly pro-abortion. One may change one's mind, but doing so requires admitting that one's mind was different in the past. 

     The fact that Romney will not casts doubt on the sincerity and veracity of his entire conversion to life--it was, as someone once put it, more on the road to Washington than the road to Damascus. Romney's deceit on the issue is partially documented in this CBS News article. Can a man who can't even be trusted to admit that he really changed his mind be trusted with the leadership of the greatest nation on earth? I think not. Let's reject the self-serving establishment of both parties who would attempt to foist a candidate this unprincipled and this deceitful on us and vote for someone truly pro-life.

For a new birth of freedom!


  1. Yes, Romney's bad. He's greedy, selfish, power hungry, and has a host of other problems. A vote for a third party is still a vote for Obama. We need to get whatever we can elected, then worry about ideological purity.

  2. I like the fact that you admit that Romney is bad. That's a start. The issue is we haven't been getting anything but bad candidates from the Republicans, and that will be the case until they see that principle matters more to us than party. We can either reform the Republican Party or replace it--look at the post "Historical Third Parties: The Liberty Party" for an example of how this could be done.

    At the end of the day, it's not those who stand on principle who cause liberals to be elected, it's those who refuse to stand on principle and glibly support any liberal the Republicans throw at us who get liberals elected. You say that if I don't vote for Romney Obama might be elected; I say that if I do Romney might be elected.

  3. I still don't think that justifies risking another term of Obama.

  4. Risking another term of Obama? How about risking one term of Romney followed by one term of some Democrat? And make no mistake, that's what it will be. Romney had a horrible record on job creation (according to one source Massachusetts ranked 47th out of 50 states in his time as governor). He will not win a second term. If we cling to the Republican Party we will be left with a gutted party, no chance to nominate a conservative until 2020, and we will still face a Democrat incumbent. Even then, the GOP fear mongers will set out to stampede is into voting for whatever greedy politician they put up.

    No, I don't think the risk lies in ending the Republican Party establishment's dominance of conservative politics.

  5. Fair enough. Is this the year, though? I mean, Obama is really, really bad.

  6. We've survived worse than Obama. Franklin Roosevelt oversaw a greater expansion of government and took away more of our freedoms. John F. Kennedy had a more naive foreign policy and oversaw a greater expansion of government. Lyndon Johnson had an even worse foreign policy, oversaw a greater expansion of government, and was likely more evil generally (to begin with, by some accounts he may have had JFK killed). If we can't make a stand now we never will. Democrats will always be Democrats.
